
Photo Booths for Parties

Photo Booths for Parties rents custom photo booths for all occasions from weddings to birthday parties.  The website is a quick and easy way to find information about the booths and rates, see example photos, and reserve for a future photo booth rental.  Using the RealityDesign CMS, a custom 4-page reservation form was created allowing clients to book their date, select their upgrades, confirm their reservation, and make their rental payment quickly and easily without ever picking up the phone.

Additional Information

Company: Photo Booths for Parties
Database(s): MySQL
Language(s): PHP, CSS
Software: RealityDesign CMS
Hosting: RealityDesign shared server

RealityDesign, LLC is a technology company headquartered in Anaheim, CA. We offer complete solutions for our clients including website, graphic, & media design, shared & dedicated hosting, custom application programming, photography, and more. You can view some examples of our work above. For more information about who we are and what we do, visit our about and services sections.
Do you like what you see? We’d be a great fit for your next project. Whether you’re thinking about creating a new website, redesigning an old one, or even just adding some new features or software to an existing site, you owe it to yourself to get a free quote.